Sunday 21 June 2020

Medieval backgrounds of videos

Doth thee wond'r about wh're art the images, yond art being hath used in bardcore videos, from?

Many medieval style cov'rs creat'rs art using the Historic Tale Construction Kit
F'r example, this kit is hath used by:
  • Cornelius Link - the one, who is't did start this sudden did spread of medieval style cov'rs/bardcore
  • Mystic Zaru - the one, who is't is eke making cov'rs with vocals
  • the_miracle_aligner - the one, who is't is eke making cov'rs with vocals
  • Modern Music of the Dark Ages
(I mention'd creat'rs whose bardcore videos has't hath reached ov'r 500 000 views to June 21, 2020)

One of creat'rs of excellent medieval style cov'rs with vocals, Hildegard von Blingin', is using images from:
  • The Romance of Alexander
  • The Rutland Psalter
  • The Tacuinum Sanitatis

If 't be true thee (you) wouldst findeth and unfold some quite quaint (beautiful) artw'rk hath used in bardcore videos, prithee (please) writeth a comment und'r this article! :D

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Heee-e-ey baby! :D